Netherland Dwarfs originated from, as their name suggests, the Netherlands. They were first produced by breeding small Polish rabbits with other small wild rabbits, creating the Netherland dwarf. They were accepted as a breed by the A.R.B.A (American Rabbit Breeders Association) in 1969 with a slight change in the British standard.
They are the smallest rabbits in the world weighing up to just 1.6 kg, making them a popular choice as pets. They come in about 32 colour variety's, some including BEW (blue eyed white), REW (ruby eyed white), Tort, Black, and Broken. They have a large head in comparison to their small compact bodies. Their ears are small and well furred with slightly rounded tips that are held high on their heads.They have to be one of the most adorable breeds of rabbit in the world with their huge eyes and little round, chubby faces!
Many people still think that Netherland Dwarfs are nervous and grouchy like they were when first produced- most likely the wild rabbit bred into them, but with careful and selective breeding, they are in fact the most lovely rabbits we've had so far. They are extremely curious creatures and, more often then not, have HEAPS of character!
Over all I think they make wonderful pets if handled properly and are great second or first pets for older children, being clean, playful, and friendly.