Smoke pearl marten
Senior Doe
BUD, lovely colour, excellent temperament and a good pet breeder.
Serenity Paws Bubble gum

Serenity Paws Bubblegum
Junior Doe
A very exciting addition to our small number of breeding rabbits, should make a great match for Fern- can't wait for our first litter from her!
Plan on keeping a doe from one of her litters.
Blue Otter
Senior Buck
Black otter
Senior Buck
Super tiny buck who's still got lots of growing to do,and is developing nicely. Again, excellent temperament
and we should get some nice colours :)
Lil' Peter:
Senior Buck
He was our first ND and first buck-
~Now retired from stud~
We hope to be getting a new ND buck some time around Christmas, and will be keeping back a doe from Bubblegum :)