Thursday, 6 March 2014

Basic Rabbit Care and Housing Part: 2- Claw Trimming

Trimming your rabbits claws my seem a bit frightening at first- for you and your rabbit. So here is a quick simple guide on trimming your pet rabbits claws.

The first step will be how to restrain your rabbit while trimming his/her claws. When you start out, it may be easier to have someone else to hold the rabbit for you.
One way to hold the rabbit is to gently sit him on your lap like he is lying down on his back. This is a very scary experience for most rabbits, which is another good reason why we practise doing this to our bunnies when they are still young.

Once the rabbit is in a comfortable position, you can start the trimming.
Every rabbits claws have something called 'quick' in them. Cutting to much of the nail and into the quick will result in pain for the rabbit and a bleeding claw.  The best way to avoid this, is to just take tiny bits of the end of the claw at a time, instead of taking a big chunk off.

It may take a while at first, but it's really not that hard once you get more practise :)

You can get claw trimmers made especialy for little animals from your local pets store, or online. They look something like this:


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